6 Mind-Blowing Ways To Utilize Small Spaces

September 22, 2019

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Sed finibus, sem elementum tincidunt tempor, ipsum nisi ullamcorper magna, vel dignissim eros sapien at sem. Aliquam interdum, ante eget sagittis fermentum, mauris metus luctus sem, at molestie lorem.

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You’ll want to know how the presentation and finishing pose for boys differs from ladies. To learn more about Presenting and Finishing and how important it is to know these terms, search for them in the library to read the post on the pose for ladies.

Look for:

  • Straight legs together.
  • Flat feet on the ground.
  • One arm up.
  • Fingers together.
  • Arm parallel with the head and neck.
  • Palm can be facing in or out. I have seen both.
  • Second arm out horizontal or straight down, parallel to the leg.